Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Chris-less Thanksgiving

This is going to be a weird Thanksgiving.

My sister and I have always been the two youngest members of our family until our cousins started having kids. But the past few Thanksgivings, we've had those little tots running around. But things are going to be very different this year.

My cousins are all spending the holiday with their spouses' families, which has happened before. Usually at least one of them is there, but I've kind of gotten used to them trading off holidays where we see them. Last year was really fun because we had a big crowd at my aunt and uncle's house, which I loved because my family is pretty darn awesome. And, while I will miss my cousins and other extended family members who aren't there this year, that's not what bothers me.

This will be the first Thanksgiving where my brother won't be there.

I understand that things change as we get older, and his girlfriend spent last Thanksgiving with our family, but does he really have to go to Mississippi with her? I mean, he's never not been there with us. Who is going to hog all of the mashed potatoes? Who is going to be the only one to eat that nasty cranberry sauce that keeps the shape of the can when you pour it out? Who is going to sit and watch the Cowboys game with me and not try to make small talk when I'm clearly focused in on this beautiful holiday tradition?

I love all of my family and am so thankful for those who will be there this year, but I can't say that I'm not a little disappointed. I even think my brother's girlfriend is so cool, but I wish they were going to stuff their faces with us on Thursday.

I guess sometimes the more things change, the more they don't stay the same.

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