Saturday, July 31, 2010

I caved

I did it: I finally bought a Garmin.
Welcome to running in the 21st century!

Needless to say, it was due time. For years upon years, I've been running with the trusty Timex Ironman watches. I've actually gone through so many, that I really don't think I meant it when I just called them trusty. They are made for triathlons and are supposed to be able to handle up to 50 meters of water. My most recent two have taken plunders due to water damage of about 50 centimeters, if that. I mean, I don't even swim--I just float around in my pool in my Sit 'n Float (one of my greatest $5 investments ever).

I've been debating lately on whether or not to get a Garmin, because they are rather expensive, and I honestly questioned just how reliable they are. The majority of my running pals have Garmins, and they all seem to swear by them. For some reason, though, I kept to my little Timex for as long as I could.

But sometimes change is a good thing.

I purchased the 405 yesterday and tested it out this morning on my run. So far, I think I made the right choice, though there are a few things to which I will have to adjust. I think it will be good for me to be able to keep track of my pace. Sometimes I get in a comfort zone and stay there, but I'm hoping this watch will help me to push myself beyond those limits.

One thing is for sure: this is the first watch I've had that's actually required me to read the manual!

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