Friday, September 10, 2010

Live from Michigan Avenue!

Sometimes it is good to step out of your comfort zone.

I think that's why I'm in Chicago right now. The original plan was to run the Chicago Half Marathon on Sunday, but, if you read my last post, you know that's a difficult task when you are on crutches and can barely walk. I honestly considered skipping out on the trip altogether (I never miss work and always get really paranoid that something will go wrong with the broadcast or one of my other classes when I do), but for some reason I thought a getaway was something I really needed in my life right now.

I think I was right.

I got some pretty nice treatment at the airports: I got to pre-board, people were helping me with everything, and there was a wheelchair waiting for me when our plane landed. I wasn't the biggest fan of having someone push me through the crowds, but I guess it beats prolonging my injury by walking on it (when I can't walk). And the chick wheeling me was pretty talentedwe were flying!

Probably the only complaint I have about Chicago pertains to the driversthey are horrible! I think I got yelled and honked at more today than my combined almost-10 years of driving. A man blared his horn at me to turn left when there was a steady flow of cars on the other side, and turning would have meant death. I chose life. The taxi man would have preferred the former.

I decided to go to the race expo today, which probably wasn't the best idea. It was rather depressing. I was REALLY looking forward to this one, and it's depressing to see a bunch of runners who are getting prepped and nervous to take the starting line on Sunday. One of the funnier moments, however, came when I overheard a guy about my age on the phone with someone. His side of the conversation went a little something like this: "I mean, it's not out of the question. It's only a half, so we can run it drunk." Good luck with that one, buddy.

The expo was at the Navy Pier, and the weather was absolutely amazing, so hung out alongside Lake Michigan for a bit. Why is it that I almost always forget my camera when I need it most? I took a pic with my phone, but it wasn't that great. Still, it was a rather peaceful experience and was a nice escape from the mass chaos that I feel like usually consumes my life. (I would like to point out that I did not get lost on my way to the expo or my drive homeand some of these streets are confusing. Holla!)

I really only have one other beef with Chi-Town: The Rangers aren't on TV here. :/

I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. It's College GameDay, so I might spend a lot of it watching games in the hotel, but that's fine by me. As Hannah Montana says, "Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock!"


Run For the Crown said...

Love it! And I love the picture!

LizRaz said...

Glad you went with your original plan and went to Chi-town! I only wish I could have been there with you