Monday, December 6, 2010

The time is almost here

I think it's natural sometimes in life to be a bit selfish.

This weekend was the White Rock Marathon, which I ran last year. I love this race and really wanted to do the half this year. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Thanks, pelvis. So, LizRaz and I went to cheer on all of our rockin' friends running it. Of course, we had a BLAST, our friends did AWESOME, and it was overall an incredible morning. I mean, how can it not be when you are in costume?

There was one haunting detail in the back of my mind while we were out there, particularly when we were cheering at the start line then finish line. It's something that has been true at every race I've attended since the summer. It's this fact that I really hate to dwell in my mind, yet I also hate that I even think about it when I am really just out there to support my friends. It toys with my emotions.

You aren't running this, Natalie.

The last actual race I ran was El Scorcho at the end of July, and that race is a whole story in itself. It starts at midnight, and let's just say it puts the body a little out-of-whack, to put it lightly. Anyway, I have missed out on many events since then, and it's been borderline depressing at times.

I have a half marathon on January 1, and I am praying hardcore that I am legitimately ready for it. It's necessary on so many levels. Plus, it would be a wonderful way to start off a fresh year. I don't even care if I PR (I'm lying)I just want to run my favorite racing distance without feeling any pain in my stupid pelvis.

Now, I'm not a huge fan of 5Ks, but I am racing one this Saturday. It's my first race back, and I have absolutely no idea what to expect. All I know is that I am glad that for once I won't be the one ringing the cowbell. I love my friends, and I love being able to support them at races, but I really do think it's time I hang up that cowbell for a bit so I can actually participate.

I guess selfishness just happens sometimeslike Saturday morning.

1 comment:

LizRaz said...

There is nothing selfish about your desire to run for a change Nat! I can't wait to be ringing the cowbell for you tomorrow!! WOOHOO!!