Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An Ocho by any other name...

For some reason, I really love Chad Ochocinco.

Yes, he is egotistical, controversial and full of it a lot of the time. Yet, I love him and think he's absolutely hilarious.

So, it's with a heavy heart that I talk about the fact that he's changing his name back to Chad Johnson. WHY??!! I had grown fond of the change and was actually really excited when he originally made up a "Spanish" number for his surname before the 2008 season. But, as he told ESPN, he "[doesn't] have a choice right now" and claims he's "done enough with the Ocho thing."


Ochocinco, I'm rather upset about this. However, one thing is for sure: his personality will likely remain as pompous and flashy as always. After all, he did just challenge his coach to a fight in a cage match. I mean, how can you not love the guy?

There is even an iPhone app called Ochocino. I'm not ashamed to admit that I downloaded it (for free, of coursealthough I would seriously consider paying almost $1 for this man). The app contains OCNN (Ochocinco News Network), a link to his Twitter, a schedule and pics. There is even a Mad Chad mobile game. Holla!

Feel free to follow his blog, though please don't judge the man's poor grammar skills. After all, he's a multimillion-dollar NFL player. I don't think he has a very high regard for syntax and dangling or misplaced modifiers. Even I choose to overlook this on occasion for Ochocinco. (Actually, most of his blog is just pictures with some wordy captions. What can I say? The man likes the way he looks.)

I part now with an ode to a name that shall never be forgotten. Let us pay tribute to the great No. 85:

You invented a way to pronounce a number
as you woke beastly defenders from their slumber
But you defeated them as you darted to the end zone
yet could not have a celebration that featured a cell phone
Sometimes you still take the fines with your HOF cloak
or doing your sassy little numbers to show that you are stoked
You used an oversized stocking to deliver footballs to fans
and let "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" play as you danced
You once carried a dollar onto the field during an official review
and did your own version of the Lambeau Leap into a crowd of more than just a few
I know a transition back to your birth name will not change the man you are
and we will forever have the real Chad Ochocinco in our hearts

No, I don't have too much time on my hands.

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