Monday, August 29, 2011

What is love? Baby, don't hurt me.

I was in love once.

It didn't work out.

It was for the best, though. I knew all along that he wasn't right for me.

I've never been in a relationship, so I've never actually "experienced" love, nor have I had someone fall in love with me. I've never been kissed, and I have never been on what I would constitute as a real date. This used to frustrate me, especially in high school and college, when all of my friends started getting boyfriends and thenwhen their fairy tales became realitiesfiancés who became their dream-come-true husbands.

I'm content with it now, though. When I look back on all of the guys I liked in the past, I realize why none of those situations ended up as I originally wished, and I am perfectly OK with the way things worked out. Sure, I may have felt a bit heartbroken at the time, but I think I was spared even deeper heartbreak that would have ensued down the road. It's funny how God's plan always seems better after the fact.

Do I love cheesy romantic comedies with predictably happy endings? Yes. Do I still want to be kissed in a gazebo with sparks flying all around us? Absolutely. Have I dreamed of walking down the aisle toward a future full of happiness and someone who will always be willing to take me to get a snow cone? What girl hasn't?

But will I be OK if none of these things ever happen? Of course.

I honestly don't know if I will ever have that moment where I scream "I love you" to someone in the middle of the street when it's pouring down rain. I'm not sure if I will ever get in a fight with another woman at a recreational sporting event because she insults my man because he's on the opposing team of hers. I can't even say for certain that I will ever have anyone offer me his jacket because I get cold everywhere I go, and I am not always prepared.

Perhaps one reason this is on my mind is because I watched 27 Dresses recently. But I'm not going to sit around hoping my life will end up like Katherine Heigl's did and that I will end up with someone as good-looking and charming as James Marsden. That's not meant for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Whatever plan God has for me, I'm going to trust it. Hey, He's the one man who has never let me down, and He loved me before I even knew what love meant.

And His love is everlasting.

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