Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's OK to be awkward

I think all people have a little bit of awkwardness in them, but some just show it more than others.

Unfortunately, I am part of that "some."

It's safe to say that I often find myself in uncomfortable situations, so much to the point where I am now completely comfortable in those moments. Today at Target, there was a really cute fireman (at least he was wearing a firefighter shirt, so I'm assuming he's legit), and I almost found it routine that I tripped on my flip-flop when he smiled at me as I walked by him.

Yes, most of my awkward encounters happen to occur around the fellas, and I guess I blame my inexperience with them on it. Sure, I hang around guys a lot, but it's the ones I find attractive who always make me weirdwell, more so than I already am. The fact that I've never dated anyone doesn't help matters any, and I'm sure if a date ever comes my way, it will be some palm-sweating fun. I think it all started at some point in middle school, which I consider the most awkward years of our lives. I think it's self-explanatory as to why.

Just an ordinary day
I didn't change much in high school, seeing as how I once darted into a science class full of seniors just to avoid an encounter with my crush when we were both walking down an empty hallway. I figured it made more sense to stand against the door and let him pass while the teacher and classroom full of upperclassmen stared at me rather than having to say "hi" to the cutie in the hallway. So reasonable.

We all have our own quirks, and I think we should be comfortable to be who we are, because we are precious in the eyes of our Creator, even if others see us as strange. Did I think the lady walking in front of me into Target was a little bit cray cray when she thought the sound of a revving motorcycle outside was "a broken door"? Yes. But God adores her.

My sister inherited my abilities to have some quite memorable moments, and I love every single one of her "so listen to what happened…" stories. She may create some of the most socially awkward situations, but the Lord delights in her, and I think she is the most precious thing He's ever put on this planet.

Even when we find things people do to be strange or unusual, it's important to remember that they were created beautifully by God, and there's no reason for us to overlook that beauty. We shouldn't make people feel like they should have to change who they aretheir uniqueness should be valued and loved.

No, the cute fireman in Target didn't ask for my number after I showed him my lack of grace, but I'm OK with that. Perhaps one day some guy will appreciate how flawed and klutzy I am. If not, that's alright, too.

The One who matters most still loves me, and that's the best comfort there is.

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