Monday, August 20, 2012

As the pages turn

I used to read the last page of books first, but I've learned the unknown is often better for us.

Sometimes you just have to take things chapter by chapter.

One thing that's so great about ending the chapter in a book is that it often ends in suspense and leaves you wanting to continue on reading to the next one. And, even though the ensuing chapter tends to pick up where the last one left off, it also starts something new and differenthence the need for progressing through the numbers.

However, there are some novels that kind of skip around a bit, and the following chapter doesn't seem to relate much to the one before it. Those are also interesting to read, though, because somehow or another it ends up intertwining with the previous chapters to make one big story.

And I love stories.

Keep reading.
We each have our own stories in life, and we are constantly going through different chapters. Some of them continue on from the ones before them, while others seem to take on their own novel lives all at once, and we find ourselves standing like deer in headlights with no idea of what is about to hit us.

But that's what makes these chapters so great, because each turn of the page is completely unpredictable.

Today was the last day of my summer, and I guess you could call it bittersweet. Sure, I will definitely miss the days of reading in my pool and having an enormous amount of free time, but I'm also excited to take on this new year and new chapter. Each school year is different, because I'm blessed (even though sometimes I might want to use the word "cursed") with so many incredible students. One of my goals in life is always to find the good in people, even when they seem unlikeable, and I do the same with my students. I have no idea what this school year will bring, but I do know that I'm going to find something good about every single day of it.

God doesn't make things happen in our lives without purpose, and He's the genius behind each of our novels. Each chapter he takes us into is full of mystery, and I think it's a good thing that we don't know how these stories are going to end or even what the next page will hold. He's the only one who needs to know that.

I have no idea what the last page of my novel says. In fact, I'm pretty clueless as to what the last page of this next chapter holds. Or the first page, for that matter.

But I can't wait to turn the page and find out.

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