Monday, April 7, 2008


What on earth is happiness? How do we find it?

So often we find ourselves in mundane situations in which we complain and let bitter thoughts fill our minds about how miserable we are. Did anyone think of your current job when you read that? What's the point of working somewhere that makes you so incredibly unhappy?

There are definitely times in life when we have to endure things that we don't necessarily want to endure. Take, for example, working a job you hate. Perhaps you have to be there temporarily until you can bounce back from financial hardship to do something that you enjoy more. But, just because you can't stand where you are working now, that doesn't mean you have to show how much you hate it. I have found that even trying to have a positive attitude toward something that makes you cringe can make that awful thing seem more bearable.

Christians are called to do everything without complaining or arguing (see Philippians 2:14). Sometimes we just have to endure trials and rough patches in order to find something even better. Living in pursuit of Christ involves difficulty; it's definitely not just a casual walk in the park. True joy can only be found in Jesus, anyway, so why even bother searching for it in a real-world job? Honestly, it's pointless. You won't find it there.

Because genuine happiness can't come from things of this world, there is reason to give thanks in even the most boring jobs. Right now, I can't stand my job, but I know that God has something better in store for me. I just have to serve Him in this current occupation until His timing works out everything else as it should be.

No, I am not Polly Positive. I have just been thinking and praying about it a lot lately, and God has really opened my eyes and my heart to the fact that not everything is about me. It's about Him. It's about His glory.

So, trust in the only One who can give you pure and undaunted joy. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in a rut sooner or later. But if you just keep seeking His will in your life, you might find yourself smiling and having a snippet of fun at a job you really want to throw out the window.

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