Friday, April 25, 2008

Get Your Head in the Game

I love Josh Howard, but I can't say I'm that happy with him right now.

I understand that there are a lot of NBA players who smoke marijuana. No, I don't support it, and I am not happy about it, but I am not too naive to think it's not a reality. Let's face it: there is probably a large number of potheads in the league. But most of them don't go shouting from the rooftops that they use drugs.

Which brings me back to Josh Howard.

My favorite NBA player went on Michael Irvin's show on 103.3 FM ESPN today and actually wanted to talk about his drug use in the offseason. Yes, there had already been a story reported in the Dallas Morning News that Howard doesn't exactly stay clean during the break, but there really wasn't a huge deal made about it. Then he had to go and change all of that with his little chat on the radio today.

He said it doesn't affect the way he plays, and he would never do anything to hurt his team. But what is this doing? Why would he admit this, especially right when the Mavs need to step it up the most? There has already been enough talk about how poorly Dallas has been playing lately and how the team appears to have a lack of heart. And now this? Doesn't he know that the media will be all over this and expose it more than necessary?

One thing that made me even more upset was the fact that he did this right before promoting his basketball camp for kids. These kids look up to Howard and see him as a role model. Now what are they supposed to think? Sure, he's telling the truth and not hiding who he is, but some things really are better left unsaid (i.e. getting high on the ganja in the offseason).

And what will be the ramifications from the league now? David Stern has made it clear that he wants to keep the NBA clean, and he is definitely a fan of having a good image. I mean, there is a dress code for what players can wear when they aren't playing. Is Stern really going to sit back and let players rave about drug use, which obviously doesn't reflect well on the NBA? Doubtful.

I still love Josh Howard. I know he has been through a lot and had a rough time growing up, but this was clearly an unwise decision on his part. When you have a responsibility to a team, and when you hold a role model position, you shouldn't go screaming to the world that you use drugs. Howard needs to do two things: stop smoking dope and start focusing more on his game. The Mavs need him more than ever right now, and Howard needs to put on his hero cape and help get his team back to the Finals.

Go with the dunk over the dope, J-Ho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.