Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And Runnin', Runnin'

I love to run. I can't quite explain it, but for as long as I can remember, I have loved running.

I grew up playing soccer, so running was something I did quite often. And when everyone complained about having to run, I actually enjoyed it. However, I'm pretty sure I complained, anyway, because that's what you do when you are growing up: you gripe about the things grown-ups make you do.

When I was in middle school, I joined the cross country team just for fun and continued to run in high school. A lot of the time, I put way too much pressure on myself to do well, and I would be angry with myself when I didn't get my fastest time in each race. That's one way you know you're a runner: your mood revolves around whether or not you got a PR (personal record, for those who don't know).

I only ran for one semester in college, and the thing that made me hesitant to do it in the first place became true: running became too much of a job rather than something I enjoyed. But I continued to run on my own—I LOVE road races—and ran the Dallas White Rock Marathon in 2005. That was one of the most fun things I ever did. Seriously. And I cherished every Saturday morning when I went to White Rock Lake to get my big chunk of mileage in for the week during my training.

Running, for me, is so freeing. It's a time when I can't be bothered by anything or anyone in this world. It's a time when I have some of my best conversations with God, and I even come up with some of my most profound epiphanies (yes, it's true).

And running never hurts. I could run for hours and hours and get the picture. If only there were enough time for that! It's also as if the weather elements vanish when I run. For instance, I get cold very easily, but I always run in shorts. Always. Granted, I might be wearing ski gloves and two or three layers up top, but the shorts remain. And when it's hot, I love it. I barely even notice the blistering Texas heat beating down on me. But if I do, I just pretend I am in a Gatorade commercial, and the world is made right.

It's important to have passions in life. One of mine, obviously, is running. People need to be able to find time to enjoy the things that make them happy and is actually beneficial, such as running. I think too often people get so consumed with work and the daily stresses that add up with no end in sight that they often lose focus on things that help make them at ease and at rest. As odd as it sounds, running is rest for me.

So run with passion, friends (or whatever it is you do).

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