Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hunk of Junk

I am a little concerned about my car. I drive a Chevy Crapalier, and I would love nothing more than to get rid of it. Yes, I know I should be thankful that I even have a car, but I seriously hate this thing. It's been through a lot, and it always takes me down with it.

The check engine light has been on for three years now. Don't ask me how it ever passes inspection; I will never be able to explain that one. Last year, I had the check engine light turned off and reset, and then I had to drive my car a certain amount of miles before I could get it inspected. It barely passed. As I was pulling out of the parking lot of Kwik Kar, can you guess what lit up once again? Seriously, it was miraculous.

Most recently, I had some troubles with the condenser. Don't ask me why, because I have no clue. I got a new air conditioning last year (for way too much money, I might add), so you can imagine my frustration when it stopped working again this summer. Shouldn't new compressors last more than 12 months? The answer is yes, yes they should. Well, it turns out that flippin' condenser was shooting metal scraps into other parts of my engine, and they had polluted my compressor. I don't even like to think about how much more that cost me.

When I am not using my emergency parking brake, the Cavy doesn't care; it still lets the stupid little light glow saying the brake is in place. And the ABS light is on, but there is supposedly nothing wrong with my brake system. After all, I had to get new brakes two years ago.

And I won't touch too much on the fact that my car automatically veers heavily to the right if you aren't touching the steering wheel. I had my alignment redone back in November after I got a flat tire and had to get a new one. But there is still that distinctive pull to the right. I can't quite explain it, and, at this point, I would expect nothing less.

My inspection sticker is almost expired; I have less than a month left. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Occasionally I have thoughts of setting my car on fire, but I have never really liked handling flames after I burned my pinky finger once when I was about 7 or so. The Cavy has almost 100,000 miles on it, so it wouldn't sell for more than about $200, if that. I personally probably wouldn't even give up a Snickers bar for it, and I hate chocolate.

Suffice to say, I need a new car.

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