Monday, February 23, 2009

A Case of the Mondays

Top 10 Reasons Why Mondays Don't Totally Suck

10. You aren't the only one who feels like you just got hit in the head with a 2x4.

9. During the NFL season, at least you have Monday Night Football (though that is not the case right now)

8. The sound of the copier really isn't that awful, right?

7. "Manic Monday" isn't the worst song to have stuck in your head all day.

6. Sometimes other people screw up more than you do.

5. The memories of the weekend are still fresh on your mind.

4. One word: procrastination.

3. You can catch up on the latest info during cooler talk.

2. The thought of your bed gets more and more appealing, even if you did forget to wash the sheets over the weekend.

1. It's only four more days until the weekend.

We are almost there!

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