Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Inspirational Squirt

My sister is seriously the coolest person you will ever meet.

No joke.

There was a time—long, LONG ago—when I questioned my parents' good judgment for not stopping having kids after me. I later realized that my life would truly be incomplete if they had. But, when you are a little kid, everything is about you, and a little sister just gets in the way of you getting your way whenever you want. After all, she's trying to get what she wants at the same time. And the word "cooperation" really isn't in your vocabulary, nor do you want it to be.

It took a lot of time and many scars—physical, of course—to get to the point where I thought my sister was "cool" enough to hang out with me. Now I know that there is no way on earth I am cool enough to hang out with her, but she lets me, anyway. And she has become one of the people I admire most in this world. It's funny how time and God change us and change our perspective on things.
I can't even begin to put into words how proud I am of this girl. Is she perfect? Absolutely not, and she will be the first one to tell you that. But she knows she had God's grace and mercy, and she knows she doesn't need much more to make it in this crazy world. And she is learning daily from Him and seeking to serve Him more in all she does.

Right now she is at Sky Ranch, helping young children and teens grow closer to God and know what it means to live for Him. I know she is changing lives out there, while she is being changed at the same time. Just in the brief conversations I've gotten to have with her, it's so apparent that her maturity level is deepening, as is her relationship with the Lord. I honestly sit at the other end of the line in pure amazement at the work He's doing in her life. How am I so blessed to be able to have this incredible woman as my sister? I may never know the answer to that, but I will forever be thankful.

I've seen my baby sister go through various stages in life—the highs and lows that this world often brings—and I've watched as she came out stronger at the other side of each one. She's living her story, and she's doing it with such courage and trust.

She also does it with a tremendous amount of spunk.

In a crowded room, my sister is one of those people who stands out. There is just something about her that shines and draws others to her. And once you spend time with her, you walk away a better person, knowing you've just been in the presence of some who will truly leave a legacy.

When I ran my first marathon, my sister woke up early (she is definitely NOT a morning person) and spent the entire morning cheering for me and then helping me with whatever I needed when I finished. When I had to go to the hospital one night my sophomore year of college, she drove the three-hour trip with my mom in the middle of the night to come be with me. When I was crazy enough to participate in a freezing-cold mud run earlier this year, she was right there at the start line to support me. And when I was suffering from mild hypothermia after the race, she practically dressed me all by herself in the middle of the parking lot (since I was pretty much useless because of the chills at that point).

And those are only a few things she has done. The complete list is actually pretty endless.

I can't wait to see what this girl is going to do in life. Beware, world. The Runt is definitely ready for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is by far, one of the coolest posts on any blog ever. Way, WAY cool.