Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Living like a bum

As the title might imply, I have been feeling rather useless lately.

I have discovered that the summer life of a teacher can be a whole lot of, well, nothing. Sure, I am working part-time at RunOn!, but that only keeps me occupied a couple days a week. And, to be quite honest, I have enjoyed not having much to do lately.

The school year held stress and fatigue, so it's more than refreshing to be able to catch my breath this summer. I've spent more than just a few afternoons at the pool reading, and I've gotten to run farther and faster. And I've been running more races recently, which I love!

I have also discovered that I am a better napper than I ever thought possible. It's as if all the sleep I did not get throughout the school year accumulated and finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I'll tell you, a nap sure is a thing of beauty!

Lest I should sound like a complete waste of space, I have also still been coaching at RunOn!, and I've been giving a few private swim lessons a couple times a week. I also did some cleaning the other day, which was more than needed. Let's just say that it had been a long while.

Man, summertime as a teacher sure does rock.

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