Saturday, July 4, 2009

Miss Independent

I love America, even if it is a gluttonous place.

Joey Chestnut set a world record today with his 68 hot dogs in the annual Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest, defeating eating phenom Takeru Kobayashi for the third straight year. I'm going to go ahead and state the obvious: that's a heck of a lot of hot dogs!

This event is by far one of the most disgusting things to view, but I make it a yearly tradition to watch it on my beloved ESPN. The commentators throw in some witty remarks, and the whole thing becomes a fun, fairly comical event. However, it's also downright serious. These eaters mean business. The top two female competitors, Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas and Juliet Lee were even compared to the likes of Venus vs. Serena, Clinton and Palin and other famous female rivals. Ridiculous. Awesome.

I love the Fourth of July. It really is such a great holiday, and I'm glad that so many people get together with their families and just have some quality fun. Even if we are becoming a fat nation, at least we still have our freedom to be fat.

Also, big shout out to the troops fighting for this great country. Especially Dane. Come home soon!

Happy birthday, America!

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