Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thanks be for The Cinco

I'm blessed beyond belief to have such wonderful friends.

When I first moved to the city where I now live to be closer to where I teach, it was kind of a lonely experience. Sure, my family is only about 30-40 minutes away, but there were times when even that felt too far. I just felt so disconnected from society, even though I was surrounded by people every single day. Even some of the teachers who work with me became my friends, but many of them have extremely busy lives outside of school, and it's also hard to escape the school bubble completely when you hang out with other teachers. Somehow the conversation always ends up back to something in the world of education.

Monotony became a common theme.

I had coached at a local running store in my hometown, so I decided to coach for the branch of the store in my new city. This is where my friendships with Speedub and Kebbers (I love nicknames!) began. They were already pretty close friends, and I really didn't see them except for on coaching nights twice a week, but I thought they were pretty cool.

Then, I signed up to do a 5K race one weekend, and they talked about racing it, too, but I didn't really talk with them about meeting up there or anything. When I first pulled into the parking lot, I was kind of hoping to see at least one of them, so I was incredibly thankful when I spotted Kebbers first thing when I got out of my car. Speedub came shortly, and I just tagged along with them for morning. I wasn't too concerned if they wanted me to or not.

At the start line, they introduced me to LizRaz (though that was not her nickname yet) and informed me that she was really fast and would win the race. This turned out to be true. I came in second and could barely even see her for most of the race. They all ran for the store's team, and they encouraged me to join. I decided that was a good idea, especially after all the fun I had hanging out with them after the race. It was pretty cold outside, but we waited for the awards ceremony, and Speedub took multiple pictures. I left the race thanking God for a wonderful morning and hoping that I would become better friends with these ladies.

It's amazing how God times things so perfectly and can put people in your life at just the right time.

Since that race, our friendship has grown, and it's so nice to know I have a group of women who I know will always be there for me to encourage me and help me when my spirits are down. LizRaz also introduced us to Taz, who doesn't live in the DFW area, but we hope she comes back to visit real soon. After all, the five of us form The Cinco.

And they are such inspirations! LizRaz and Kebbers have become triathletes, and Speedub never lets any of us down in showing up for races and cheering/taking pictures if she is not 
running. She drove me all the way to my 15K race last weekend, cheered, took pics and made sure I stayed hydrated after the race. On the way, she even accommodated my music selection and the temperature of the car. It was so selfless!

I had a bad race this morning, and after I told them about it, they all offered encouraging words full of wisdom and understanding. These gals are hilarious, fun, so full of energy and so full of kindness.

God bless The Cinco.

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