Monday, June 23, 2008

The Incomplete Beach

I am at the beach right now, and the only thing missing is my family.

I came to Florida as a leader for the middle school beach camp trip at my church. Honestly, I am so thankful to get to be a part of this trip, and I am definitely having a good time. But, I really wish my family were here right now.

Over the past few years, I have become a lot closer with my parents, and I miss the trips we used to take to the beach when I was growing up. My little sister and I used to pretend like we were in a Baywatch scene, and we would run toward each other in slow motion. I'm not going to lieit was pretty awesome. My mom always got the biggest kick out of it. We rode waves as a family; we played family tennis matches; and we always ate at specific restaurants on certain nights (my parents don't like change much).

I hadn't been to Florida (or any beach, for that matter) since the summer before my junior year in high school (I'm now 23 years old), and it's just so weird to back here without the rest of the clan. My brother sometimes brought a friend, so my sister and I were attached at the hip while my parents spent too many hours in the sun, and Chris and his buddy did whatever it was teenage boys do at the beach (so, basically, cruise the sand and try to impress chicks). Steph and I usually spent a few hours outside, then we took our reddened bodies back to the condo and vegged out watching a movie until the others got back. It was so relaxing and so much fun. And I didn't realize how much I would miss that.

All the clichés I have always heard are now coming true, and I really am starting to appreciate little things and life and value my family more than I ever thought I would. It's odd, but it's also extremely comforting at the exact same time. I love my family more than I imagined possible, and I wish they could be with me here now, basking in the Florida sun and just having some quality Merrill fun!

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