Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Parents Rock

I don't know if I say this enough, but I have pretty amazing parents.

Sure, I may not agree with everything they do or say, but they have always shown unconditional love to me, and I have learned a lot from them throughout my 23 years. In fact, they definitely have played a huge role in making me the person I am today (more than just genetically, of course).

When I hopped around to four different colleges in four years, my parents supported me every step of the way and helped me through the arduous process. My mom was constantly on the phone with the financial aid departments making sure that I could get the best education possible. Yes, I will be paying off some debt for the rest of my life, but at least my mom did what she could to allow me to get the smarts I needed. And never once did they tell me I needed to grow up and start fending for myself. I think this is one reason why I have become such an independent person: my parents never forced me to be, but they certainly didn't coddle me.

When I moved out after college graduation and got on my feet with my first real job. My mom made sure to call me every single day, and my dad usually did, too. And they cared about me. I know they always have, but I think sometimes it takes a little maturing to realize just how valuable your parents are. It's the thing to do to disagree with them when you are in adolescence, but you have to come to terms with reality sooner or later and face the fact that you aren't always right.

My first job ended up not working out, and I needed to move back home. I didn't ask my parents if I could do this; rather, they told me it would probably be in my best interest. They couldn't pay my rent for me, and they didn't want to see me sink in quicksand. "Come home." It's that simple. I didn't have to do anything; they just accepted me and welcomed me home with open arms.

I don't like when my mom calls too much and asks me where I have been, etc. I often flash back to a high school mentality in these moments and give her mundane answers. But I guess that's how moms and dads can be sometimes. After all, they just care. But my dad always tries to play the cool role. "Just let her be," he will tell my mom. We get along a lot better than we did when I was younger. I think we've both done a lot of growing up, and I wouldn't ask for a different dad.

My parents can't give me everything I want or need, but I know they are more than willing to try. My dad always says he wishes he could give me tons of money, but I don't need it. They've given me more than I have ever deserved. In fact, my mom brought me a Subway sandwich tonight because I had to work a triple shift at work today. I didn't ask her to do that, but she did.

I definitely don't say it enough, but I have absolutely amazing parents.

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