Thursday, April 23, 2009

Learning to Breathe

I'd have to say I get this from my dad, but I'm definitely not the most patient person in the world.

Like many people in the world, especially in this country, I don't like to wait long for things. I prefer to get them finished and out of the way so that I can move on to the next task. And I guess I expect others to act in the same manner, which can get frustrating when they don't, causing me to have to wait. Selfish? Yes. But is it the reality? Indeed.

That's one thing that made me somewhat nervous about becoming a teacher. Teachers definitely have to have patience, regardless of what age range of students they have. So, for me, I knew high schoolers were going to be a challenge.

And they surely didn't disappoint.

But the good thing is that I have learned patience and deeper trust in God during this process. I sometimes shock myself with how patient I can be with these teens. I am not trying to brag by any means; I am just thankful for the grace the Lord has bestowed upon me by teaching me lessons in waiting and remaining calm.

In fact, it has helped in other areas of my life, as well. I find myself in many situations where, in the past, I would have nearly gone mad waiting for certain things to happen. But now it's easier for me to sit back and relax as new challenges come my way. Like Anna Nalick advised, just breathe.

Because sometimes those breaths of calming air are what help me cope through the most stressful of days.

On a side note, this warm weather rocks!

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