Tuesday, October 26, 2010

World Series weekend

This weekend was one I will definitely never forget.

For starters, history was made on Friday night. I've waited so many years for the Rangers to be a decent team. It's pretty painful watching them all spring, summer and then have them crash and burn in the fall. Actually, most years they crashed and burned in the summer months so that I knew that there really would be no meaningful fall ball.

But this year was so much different.
After seeing how much chemistry this team has had the past few years, I started predicting a World Series run back in spring training. Some people called me crazy, and that's fine. It wasn't the first time.

Who's crazy now?

I absolutely love this team, and I really think we are going to win the whole thing. It's so awesome how the team chose to celebrate with ginger ale rather than champagne so that Josh Hamilton could be part of it without any temptations. That's something that had to be planned and discussed prior to it happening. That's not just a teamthat's a family. Plus, Ron Washington is one of the most quotable men in the history of America.

Bring it, Giants.

Moving on to Saturday, the day of the EPIC bash...

My friend LizRaz and I had planned to throw ourselves a birthday party last year, but multiple circumstances of life caused us to postpone it until this year. I'm glad we did, because we've become better friends with a lot of people since then, and they are the ones who truly made the night special. I had never had an actual birthday party, so it was great to be able to do so with the most amazing people I know.

Major props to GQ (the house host), Lufucifi (the planner), Anil (the music man and someone who has bumped up from fave five to top two!! :)), my siblings (they didn't really know anyone but still came) and, of course, LizRaz for being so awesome and making it all happen. Then there are all of our wonderful peeps who joined us. I honestly don't know how I found such awesome friends, but I'm definitely not giving them up!

Finally, I know that Monday doesn't really count as the weekend (in fact, it might be a sin to associate the two things with one another), but it is worthy to note that the new Taylor Swift album came out yesterday. Needless to say, it's beyond excellent.

"Horrified looks from everyone in the room, but I'm only looking at you..."

1 comment:

LizRaz said...

Epically AWESOME!!!! Go Rangers! Yay Taylor Swift! (stay away from Jake!) and High Fives for Awesome friends!! love ya Nat, thanks for letting me be apart of your Epic Bday!