Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rockin', thankin' and GBC

I never eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

For some reason, I just really don't like Thanksgiving turkey. I prefer the processed kind that you can get at Subway or the grocery store. I'm sure it's a lot healthier for you, too.

I wonder why they didn't eat a chicken on the first Thanksgiving feast. I'll bet it wouldn't take as long to cookor maybe Chick-fil-A could cater! Then you wouldn't even have to worry about carving a big bird or dealing with that nasty gravy. That's why they invented Chick-fil-A Sauce.

To be honest, there is really only one dish that I absolutely have to have on the holiday that Charlie Brown and his gang know how to celebrate in style: green bean casserole. It's weird, because I don't like the thought of cream of mushroom soup (eww!), and I really hate onions, but those fried onions that top it off are almost the best part (nothing beats the cheese, of course). Plus, I'm
pretty sure they are completely beneficial to your health.

My cousin Rachel made a delicious GBC (as it shall be called from this point forward) on Thanksgiving Day, and then my mo
m made her usual stellar rendition the next day. (Actually, my sister did most of the work this time around, and she kind of yelled at me when I suggested she use a bit more of the fried onions. She said I should come over there and make it if I was going to be picky. I think we both knew that was a bad idea.) Two days in a row of GBC? Beautiful. Of course, it's always best topped off with ketchup and scooped up with Wheat Thins.

On another note, I attended the Turkey Trot this year, which is not something I usually do. I'm not a huge fan of the massive crowds and the people who get near the front of the start line and then walk with their dogs or strollers while people trying to run have to weave in and out of them. But, this year I was dressed as a rock star (note: not all inflatable guitars can handle a bike pump), helping a friend with a promotion while running and not racing. I ran about three miles in the race, turned around and then did two on my own. It was a fun morning, especially because I was with such amazing people.

One of the craziest things happened when LizRaz and I were in the parking lot waiting for everyone in our rocker gang to arrive. We got there almost an hour before our call time of 7 a.m., so we had a lot of time of sitting in my car and LizRaz finishing the final touches of her costume. She was standing in the lot, and it was probably 60 or 70-something degrees. In the mere matter of a secondI'm not even joking about thisthe temperature plummeted to 30 or 40-something. It was ridiculous! The rest of the morning was super cold, but it was crazy how quickly it changed.

Even though I don't appreciate anything with a gizzard on this holiday, it's one of my favoritesI love getting to spend time with family and friends and being reminded of the things for which I am most thankful, like football (among all of the other blessings in life, of course).

1 comment:

LizRaz said...

hahahaha I love this post Nat! Right on about the chicken would totally take less time! Had so much fun trottin around....even though you totally smoked us all :-)